Funnels and Launches

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Sunny Days Creative Studio is a design studio and online business hub run by Vanessa, a Millennial mom who beat the 9-5 hustle and wants to teach other women how to do the same thing.



Create a full launch funnel for Vanessa’s signature program, $0-4 Figure Mompreneur, including:

  • A lead magnet + landing page
  • A storytelling email sequence
  • A long-form sales page

NOTE: While Vanessa has graciously allowed me to include her sales page in my portfolio, she is still pre-launch (so all the other pieces are still TOP SECRET).



I worked closely with Vanessa to create a brand voice that’s authentic, relatable, and totally HER. She described wanting to be sisterly, conversational, and loving— but still powerful.

Through journaling prompts and worksheets, I encouraged Vanessa to speak freely in her own voice. We developed a phrasebook and brand voice guide that she uses for content creation (and that I used as a reference for this project).

Vanessa has an amazing story that I thought would resonate with her audience because it’s so relatable. I wanted to take a storytelling approach to this whole funnel to show each step of her journey and encourage other Moms to believe that their goals are possible too.

We wanted to put Moms front and center by acknowledging how hard it can be to care for your family and break out of the corporate world at the same time. We wanted to share first, sell later— and create a feel-good end product that contains inherent emotional value.