Coaching Sales Page: $0 - 4 Figure Mompreneur

Sales Page

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Project Objective

Create a sales page for $0-4 Figure Mompreneur, a program designed to help Millennial women with children start home businesses.




I used a storytelling strategy for this project.



Vanessa, the program creator, shared her personal Mompreneurship journey with me by filling out a few guided worksheets that I created for her.



Then we created a tone guide and phrasebook together. She wanted her voice to be polished, but also warm and sisterly (with a pinch of tough love).



Next, I researched some of the problems that Moms face when they’re trying to start their own business or side-hustle, and positioned the program as an alternative to other entrepreneurship spaces that prioritize men (and women without children).



Vanessa wanted me to include a lot of information about the program, since it is a high-ticket offer. So I made sure to include an outline of all the modules and emphasize the benefits of each one.



Last, in order to make sure we were going to draw in the right people, I laid out who would benefit MOST from the program (and who should maybe wait on registering).



If you’re a coach who’s launching a program for the first time, you should DEFINITELY book your free consultation call! I would love to create a juicy, narrative sales page for you and your dream clients.